What Your Body Needs To Keep Going
EHRS (Enhanced Hydration Recovery Supplement) is designed specifically for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
Key Benefits

Reduces Inflammation
CBD has been shown to have analgesic effects

Fast Recovery
Preclinical studies have observed robust anti-inflammatory effects when using CBD.

Boots Performance
Beets can increase stamina and endurance, improve oxygen utilization, and boost nutrient delivery.

Sea Moss is an excellent source of minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients.

Enhanced Hydration Recovery Supplement
EHRS is designed specifically for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It contains a high-quality blend of CBD, Sea Moss, Beets, and Creatine which is scientifically formulated for easy absorption by your body. This ensures maximum benefits for your performance, recovery, and overall health. With EHRS, you are not just investing in a supplement, you are investing in yourself and your future.

Athletic Fitness

CBD Benefits